Gorilla & Chimpanzee

Gorilla & Chimpanzee

Africa is the only continent where mountain gorillas (Gorilla berengei berengei) are surviving on earth, and can only be visited in the Virunga mountain region of central Africa, which spans to cover borders of Rwanda – the Volcanoes national park, Uganda – Mgahinga national park and Congo – Virunga national park. Together with Bwindi impenetrable national park in Uganda, situated over 45 Kilometers away from the Virunga’s. Today, mountain gorilla population have risen to over 1000 gorilla species with new born gorillas introduced to gorilla families each year as witnessed in the “Kwita Izina” the Rwanda gorilla naming ceremony. It is thanks to gorilla tourism, which has spread the world through the whole world of the awareness, and need to protect and conserve the remaining gorilla population from extinction. Mountain gorillas are listed among the world’s most endangered species, due to a number of factor which were forcing the mountain gorilla population to extinction, like uncontrolled diseases, poaching, habitant encroachment, civil wars among others, which have largely been controlled and cubed down by government organizations in charge.

In order to visit gorillas in Africa, one has to first obtain a gorilla permit. Each gorilla destination has a set price for gorilla trekking. Below are current prices for gorilla permits in Rwanda, Uganda Congo… Rwanda – $ 1,500, Uganda – $800, Congo – $800. Bwindi impenetrable forest has the highest number of mountain gorilla population with over 550 individuals, with 12 habituated gorilla groups available for visitors. With other 2 groups available for gorilla habituation experience open for visitors. Bwindi gorilla forest offers travellers a real jungle adventure for their gorilla trekking experience. The forest is situated 8 – 10 hours drive away from Kampala city center and just 4 hours drive crossing from Rwanda into Uganda to Bwindi. Volcanoes national park has the highest gorilla numbers in the Virunga conservation region, with over 400 individual gorilla species, 10 habituated gorilla groups. The park is situated just 2 hours drive from the Kigali city center and Kigali international airport. Virunga national park has 6 habituated gorilla families ready to be visited, and is easily accessed from crossing into Uganda through Kasese into Congo. Gorilla trekking in Virunga is very safe and quite memorable.