Educational Safaris

Educational Safaris

Going on a safari is a uniquely exciting and amazing experience that everyone should take advantage of if given the opportunity. A safari is about much more than camping out in the wilderness, viewing endangered species in their natural habitats and experiencing new cultures -- it’s about history.

Consider that this diverse continent was once part of the super-continent Pangaea (meaning “all lands” in Greek) that, according to the theory of continental drift, was believed to encompass all the land on earth. This continent is also known as the origin of the human race, the pyramids, the possible missing link between humans and primates and so much more. So going on safari or just traveling in Africa is as much about learning as it is about outdoor adventures.

Take Ethiopia for example. This is a country ensconced not only in ancient history but in biblical history as well with a civilization that goes back thousands and thousands of years. Where else in the world could you find a three million year old celebrity? According to Australopithecus, Human Evolution Index, the remains of an Australopithecus, (named Lucy by scientists and one of the most primitive human ancestors identified), was found in the Ethiopian Rift Valley in 1974 and changed the face of human genealogy forever by asserting that humans walked on two legs much earlier than was originally thought. Imagine all that history, and that’s just one country!

When you’re traveling on safari, don’t just consider the possibility of seeing an African elephant or a black rhino, think about all you could learn from the history of the land and the civilizations that occupied these regions thousands of years ago.

Another fantastic example of a vast treasure trove of history is South Africa. An ideal safari destination, South Africa is a region rich with landscapes and wildlife unlike any other. But consider for a moment that this country has hosted human life for more than 100,000 years. Evidence of advanced civilizations, artifacts and fossils are all right there for you to explore--it’s a learning experience you won’t get in any classroom.
Even the continent’s name is an education in and of itself. Africa derives its name from the Romans, who used the name Africa terra - "land of the Afri - to describe the northern part of the continent (modern day Tunisia).

According to author Pier Larson in Origins of Africa, the general belief is that the Afri were a tribe, possibly Berber, who lived in North Africa in the Carthage area. The origin of Afer may also be connected with the Arabic ‘to be dusty’ (afar = dust). Some other possible etymologies include:

• Greek -- aphrike meaning without cold and
• Latin -- aprica meaning sunny

So imagine traveling to a living, breathing encyclopedia that not only can you learn from, but that you can interact with, take pictures of and go back and visit time and time again. That’s the true treasure of Africa and the beauty of getting more out of your safari than some great animal photos and entertaining stories. A continent, a living history and a link to who we were and how far we've come, all lies on this vast continent waiting for you.

We at Kimzebra Adventures & Safaris Limited are inherently interested in providing an on going program of educationally driven experiences; these include wildlife, cultural, & ‘grassroots’ programs where our goal is to provide support to the local communities and villages, as this is directly linked to the survival and existance of wildlife and wild places.  Take care of your people, and nature takes care of it’self.  (If we have enough space!)  There are many programs in place throughout Africa and overseas that directly support projects in Africa, and we have chosen whom to partner with, on an everybody wins model, as described in various parts of our website; two examples are our goal of 5-10% of your tour price goes directly back into active conservation, and having every trip be carbon off-set from this point forward with new bookings.

Opportunities are endless for schools, colleges, Universities, corporations or for any larger group of people. Leadership is a common theme often explored in all trips.  It is our network, not only in education, but throughout Southern, Northern and Eastern Africa, that has allowed us to create suitable experiences for students and businesses of various backgrounds. It is our understanding of the classroom in all levels of education, and our daily dealings with the realities of the business world, especially within Africa, that allows us to know what will work your groups best interests.

Our knowledge of working with schools, colleges, Universities, corporations and businesses, in and out of the classroom, at home and abroad, allows us to consider the best solutions for any given group of students, or in other cases a business team or corporate group looking for a team-building experience.  The sky is the limit.  We take your request most seriously, and know the responsibility you are undertaking in bringing a group to Africa, and to which we are given the responsibility for.

We know, given a chance, we will provide for you a life changing experience, promoting a life of life long learning. This is our personal goal, in everything we do. To create an awareness, an inherent interest and care for the world around us. With the long term wish, that we will inherently care for the earth enough to save it for our grandchildren to enjoy, as we enjoy it today.

Kimzebra Adventures & Safaris Limited an African safari company, boasts an extremely knowledgeable team of staff members, who are passionate about every aspect of travel to Africa, including its wildlife and safari destinations. When you're ready to plan your African safari, a holiday in Africa, or if you just have questions, please feel free to contact us toll free or visit our website and complete an information request form.